Monday, October 6, 2008

Why no principled conservative would seriously contend that Palin belongs on the ticket

After all the post-debate chatter about Sarah Palin’s resurrection (I bet a lot of folks were saying “Jesus” during her performance) and about her potential 2012 presidential candidacy (paging Mitt Romney & Co.), the real story of last week’s encounter was that the true elitists were revealed.

The McCain campaign has affixed that label to Barack Obama for months, and he has helped the cause with his inartful San Francisco comments (now who’s bitter?) and his support from traditional elitist constituencies, especially those Hollywood do-gooders. But on Thursday evening, as Palin gosh-darned and doggoned
her way to an alternately vacuous and evasive performance, it
became clear that the Republicans’ last, desperate hope this
cycle is that the American people are morons.

More here.

1 comment:

stressedoutinseattle said...

So, you are going to enjoy socialism aka obomaism.